The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Changelog
Plugin, version 2.2

The Maven Changelog Plugin generates reports regarding the recent
changes in your Software Configuration Management or SCM. These reports
include the changelog report, developer activity report and the file
activity report.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Changelog Plugin - Version 2.2

** Bug
    * [MCHANGELOG-86] - Error with outputEncoding parameter set to UTF-8
    * [MCHANGELOG-89] - Dependency Conflict plexus-utils
    * [MCHANGELOG-91] - mvn changelog:changelog svn --non-interactive
fails under Mac OSX 10.5 (svn: PROPFIND authorization failed)
    * [MCHANGELOG-99] - Invalid generated HTML reports
    * [MCHANGELOG-104] - NPE when using the plugin with the git provider

** Improvement
    * [MCHANGELOG-69] - Print developer names regardless of whether
they're listed in the POM
    * [MCHANGELOG-70] - Support a URL filter that enables
JIRA/bugzilla/whatever IDs quoted in SCM message to be mapped to real URLs
    * [MCHANGELOG-71] - Support a %REV% in displayFileDetailUrl in the
same way we support %FILE%
    * [MCHANGELOG-72] - Provide a way to make the changeset revision
number used in the changelog report an active link
    * [MCHANGELOG-73] - Print developer names in the change report for
known developers and make them links to the team page.
    * [MCHANGELOG-76] - Changed a header when a log is created with only
an end-tag

** New Feature
    * [MCHANGELOG-88] - Please add german localization
    * [MCHANGELOG-92] - update to maven-scm:1.3 to have the gitexe provider
    * [MCHANGELOG-105] - Add Swedish translation

** Task
    * [MCHANGELOG-101] - Review the Doxia Sink calls


-The Maven team

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