Hi all !

I'm working under Windows via VirtualBox, and I'd like to not put
sensible/weight data on it to preserve image size/loss.
So I ended up creating a network drive between my host and guest OS, putting
project & maven data on it.

And ... it looks like maven is acting very strangely with network drives on
Windows !

I executed the following scenarii :
Scenario 1 :
- Don't edited any settings.xml, and launched a "mvn clean install" on a
fresh copy of my project located on my C: (local) drive : no problems !

Scenario 2 :
- I edited the settings.xml and set the <localRepository> property, pointing
on a folder located on my network drive.
Then, I launched "mvn clean install" and BLAM! : maven wasn't able to
download my project parent pom on remote repositories :(
Note: I tried :
*** <localRepository>Z:/path/to/localRepo</localRepository>
*** <localRepository>file:///Z:/path/to/localRepo</localRepository>

Scenario 3 :
- I removed the <localRepository> property. "mvn clean install" re-works
fine !
- I moved my project from C: to my Z: network drive and relaunched maven.
This time, maven, succeeded in downloading my parent pom.
But, this time,
didn't succeeded during my build :(

I reproduced this behaviour both with mvn 2.0.9 and 2.2.1.

Is someone using successfully maven on project and maven repos located on
Windows network drives ?
Feedback appreciated before adding 2 JIRA ...

Thanks in advance..

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