Maven isn't doing anything special with the files, so it's most likely
some delay or weird interaction with the shared folders either in
Windows, or VirtualBox (or both). Since the local repo is expected to
be local, it's not likely we would make any special changes to make
remote mounting work officially.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Frederic Camblor <> wrote:
> Hi all !
> I'm working under Windows via VirtualBox, and I'd like to not put
> sensible/weight data on it to preserve image size/loss.
> So I ended up creating a network drive between my host and guest OS, putting
> project & maven data on it.
> And ... it looks like maven is acting very strangely with network drives on
> Windows !
> I executed the following scenarii :
> Scenario 1 :
> - Don't edited any settings.xml, and launched a "mvn clean install" on a
> fresh copy of my project located on my C: (local) drive : no problems !
> Scenario 2 :
> - I edited the settings.xml and set the <localRepository> property, pointing
> on a folder located on my network drive.
> Then, I launched "mvn clean install" and BLAM! : maven wasn't able to
> download my project parent pom on remote repositories :(
> Note: I tried :
> *** <localRepository>Z:/path/to/localRepo</localRepository>
> *** <localRepository>file:///Z:/path/to/localRepo</localRepository>
> ***
> <localRepository>//VBOXSVR/sharedfoldername/path/to/localRepo</localRepository>
> Scenario 3 :
> - I removed the <localRepository> property. "mvn clean install" re-works
> fine !
> - I moved my project from C: to my Z: network drive and relaunched maven.
> This time, maven, succeeded in downloading my parent pom.
> But, this time,
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:copy-dependencies
> didn't succeeded during my build :(
> I reproduced this behaviour both with mvn 2.0.9 and 2.2.1.
> Is someone using successfully maven on project and maven repos located on
> Windows network drives ?
> Feedback appreciated before adding 2 JIRA ...
> Thanks in advance..
> Frédéric

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