Yeah, I know - hate to cross-pollinate here but the Nexus bible states the repo 
is for deposits only.

Essentially backing up the "just change NEW snapshots/releases, leave the old 
ones where they are" sentiment.

In another life, I casually agreed we should change the groupId of an artifact 
and all hell broke loose...

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fay []
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 11:00 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Correcting a groupID

> The guide to relocation:

Hmmmmmmm I really don't agree with this approach, and don't believe it
would pass muster today. This documentation is most likely old.

Today's mantra is "artifacts don't change". This includes poms and
jars etc. I believe the correct approach today would be to put
relocation poms in the old groupId for the new artifact for any new
artifacts for a few releases, while putting the artifacts themselves
in the new groupId, and then stop putting the relocation poms in
completely after some period of time.


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