
I looking for a way to set some common goals for each sub-project of a
multiproject environment.

I would like to do something like this

<project xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:maven="jelly:maven">
        import ${directory_containing_the_common_goals}/common_goals.xml

I have tried to do this in several ways, with no luck. I have tried

<xi:include href="${dir}/common_goals.xml "/> (xinclude standard from
<import> from jelly

These are the goals that I'd like to have set for each sub-project.

    <preGoal name="build:start">
        <maven:makeRelativePath var="maven.scm.cvs.module"
                                separator="/" />

    <goal name="sub_project:all">
        <attainGoal name="java:compile"/>
        <attainGoal name="${maven.multiproject.type}"/>
        <attainGoal name="${maven.multiproject.type}:install"/>

    <postGoal name="dist">
        <attainGoal name="${maven.multiproject.type}:install"/>

Thanks, Mario

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