
I'm currently working on a packaging=jar project. In addition to the plain jar, 
by using the assembly plugin I also generate a jar-with-dependencies, and - 
using a custom assembly - a zip file (with the bin classifier). The zip file 

 *   the plain jar
 *   a batch file to run the jar
 *   a lib directory containing the jar's dependencies

The latter two parts of the artifact (the jar-with-dependencies and the zip) 
are both self-contained. They need nothing else to run them since all 
dependencies are packaged with them.

When another project includes this artifact as a dependency, however, by 
default it tries to pull in all of the dependencies of my project too. Of 
course, this makes sense if they're using the plain jar. But this doesn't make 
sense if all they want is to consume the jar-with-dependencies or the zip file. 
How do I fix this?

I'd like to configure it such that projects requiring just the zip/bin or 
jar-with-dependencies classifiers don't need to download all the dependencies. 
If that's not possible, another option I'd consider is NOT deploying the plain 
jar at all, and just deploying the jar-with-dependencies and bin, and configure 
it such that no-one using this artifact has to pull its dependencies.


Shannon Hickey
Adobe Systems Incorporated

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