create the zip and the jar-with-dependencies in separate modules that pull
in the plain jar with scope=provided

On 3 September 2010 04:36, Shannon Hickey <> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm currently working on a packaging=jar project. In addition to the plain
> jar, by using the assembly plugin I also generate a jar-with-dependencies,
> and - using a custom assembly - a zip file (with the bin classifier). The
> zip file contains:
>  *   the plain jar
>  *   a batch file to run the jar
>  *   a lib directory containing the jar's dependencies
> The latter two parts of the artifact (the jar-with-dependencies and the
> zip) are both self-contained. They need nothing else to run them since all
> dependencies are packaged with them.
> When another project includes this artifact as a dependency, however, by
> default it tries to pull in all of the dependencies of my project too. Of
> course, this makes sense if they're using the plain jar. But this doesn't
> make sense if all they want is to consume the jar-with-dependencies or the
> zip file. How do I fix this?
> I'd like to configure it such that projects requiring just the zip/bin or
> jar-with-dependencies classifiers don't need to download all the
> dependencies. If that's not possible, another option I'd consider is NOT
> deploying the plain jar at all, and just deploying the jar-with-dependencies
> and bin, and configure it such that no-one using this artifact has to pull
> its dependencies.
> Ideas?
> Thanks,
> --
> Shannon Hickey
> Adobe Systems Incorporated

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