What is your svn version ?

Aren't you facing to this bug : http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-375
Using the option <remoteTagging>true</remoteTagging> should slve it.

(It is weird but I was sure we had a note somewhere about this annoying issue 
we had a long time ago, but I didn't find it)



On Sep 4, 2010, at 12:16 AM, Neil Chaudhuri wrote:

> I am using version 2.0 of the release plugin to tag a new version of my 
> multi-module application, but at the end when it goes to commit to SVN SCM, I 
> get the following:
> [INFO] Unable to tag SCM
> Provider message:
> The svn tag command failed.
> Command output:
> svn: Path 'svn://<SVN IP>/data/svn/client/myapp/tags/myapp-1.1.rc4' does not 
> exist in revision 5218
> To be fair, that's true--myapp-1.1.rc4 isn't a folder in the SVN tags folder. 
> But I figured the plugin would create it and put my source code underneath.
> Another weird thing is that the poms are updated to 1.1.rc4 and committed to 
> the trunk and checked out to my local machine. The expected behavior is for 
> 1.1.rc5-SNAPSHOT to be in the trunk and on my local while the 1.1.rc4 is in 
> the tagged version.
> Here is the plugin configuration:
>         <plugin>
>                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                <artifactId>maven-release-plugin</artifactId>
>                <version>2.0</version>
>                <configuration>
> <updateWorkingCopyVersions>false</updateWorkingCopyVersions>
>                    <preparationGoals>clean install</preparationGoals>
>                    <goals>clean install</goals>
>                    <arguments>-Dmaven.test.skip</arguments>
>                    <tagBase>svn://<SVN IP>/data/svn/client/myapp/tags 
> </tagBase>
>                    <autoVersionSubmodules>true</autoVersionSubmodules>
>                </configuration>
>            </plugin>
> Any advice on how to get the expected behavior is appreciated.
> Thanks.

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