file: (no slashes) seems to work on both. The best thing about
standards is there are so many of them!

I think the latest xdoc plugin fixes this bug.

- Brett

On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 00:05:36 +0200, Gilles Dodinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Nabbefeld wrote:
> >>> Unable to obtain goal [site] -- C:\Dokumente und
> >>> Einstellungen\user\.maven\plugins\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.7.1\plugin.jelly:364:54:
> >>> <j:include> could not include jelly script:
> >>> file://C:\cvs\mevenide\mevenide-master\..\mevenide-config/../mevenide-master/src/templates/jsl/site.jsl.
> >>> Reason: org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyException: null:-1:-1: <null
> >>> > Could not parse Jelly script
> >>
> Peter,
> the problem is the url prefix. i found we had some kind of conflict with
> linux and windows : indeed if i remember milos changed it because it
> didnot run properly on his box. so url prefix is now encapsulated into a
> property. in master/ you have something like :
> # one slash only on winxp
> fileUrlPrefix = file://
> in my ~/ i just add :
> fileUrlPrefix = file:/
> and it works fine. perhaps we should rename the property btw..
> -- gd
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