
I've got problems with a platform-independent project, which becomes platform-dependent because of platform-dependent references. Because the author has written everything using Linux or Solaris, he has used reletive paths with forward slashes. When I now try to build everything under windows, the references are resolved with a mixture of forward and backward slashes, and problems occur to load files.

The error message I get is:

Unable to obtain goal [site] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\user\.maven\plugins\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.7.1\plugin.jelly:364:54: <j:include> could not include jelly script: file://C:\cvs\mevenide\mevenide-master\..\mevenide-config/../mevenide-master/src/templates/jsl/site.jsl. Reason: org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyException: null:-1:-1: <null
> Could not parse Jelly script

Probably this is not a problem from the maven-xdoc-plugin, but from the jelly implementation. The other (used) plugins work.

I've tried to type the file - using the above syntax and the correct one with backslashes - the above syntax gives a syntax error, the second works.

Kind regards

Peter Nabbefeld

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