Neat :)  Is the plan here to have 61 individual releases/version numbers or
a single release for the entire collection?

I know people have wanted independent cycles for certain things but under
git this isn't really workable ( a) the release plugin b) tagging over the
entire repo ).

Also, under Maven 3 you won't get the -SNAPSHOT complaints until the current
snapshot issues are sorted,

However - I would put the clojure version in the parents
dependencyManagement section pointing at current clojure, and declare the
dependency in each module.

For those that have 1.1/1.2 differences, if you went the route of having
-two- artifacts for the various versions, you could declare the dependency
-and- the version of clojure.  Or is the plan to support both versions from
the same artifact?

Pull me down under...

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Stuart Sierra <>wrote:

> After several releases as a monolithic JAR, I nudged ;-) the community
> into a multi-module build.  Now I have 61 sub-modules, all depending
> on a single "parent" module that defines the dependency on Clojure
> itself.

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