wow, you're wish has almost been granted.
check out polyglot maven.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Kenneth McDonald
<> wrote:
> Yes, I realize this is flamebait, but after trying to puzzle out the 
> following maven plugin:
>            <plugin>
>                <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
>                <version>1.6</version>
>                <executions>
>                    <execution>
>                        <phase>deploy</phase>
>                        <id>deploy-gh-pages</id>
>                        <goals>
>                            <goal>run</goal>
>                        </goals>
>                        <configuration>
>                            <target>
>                                <property name="gh-pages-dir" location=""/>
>                                <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
>                                    <arg line="add ."/>
>                                </exec>
>                                <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
>                                    <arg line="commit"/>
>                                </exec>
>                                <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
>                                    <arg line="push origin gh-pages"/>
>                                </exec>
>                            </target>
>                        </configuration>
>                    </execution>
>                </executions>
>            </plugin>
> I simply can't resist. Whoever in their right mind decided software 
> developers to think that requiring other developers to write config files in 
> XML was a proper decision?
> Python, Ruby, and (yes even Perl) have had had much more elegant and concise 
> ways of managing complex data structures for years now. And there's a reason 
> JSON has become so popular--primarily because XML is not, and was never 
> intended to be, a format for developers to write specifications in.
> Let's take a look at the most obvious of the problems in the above:
>                                <property name="gh-pages-dir" location=""/>
>                                <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
>                                    <arg line="add ."/>
>                                </exec>
>                                <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
>                                    <arg line="commit"/>
>                                </exec>
>                                <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
>                                    <arg line="push origin gh-pages"/>
>                                </exec>
> Now, I'm still very new to maven, but it strikes me that what the above is 
> saying is (in Pythonic code, but feel free to convert to your own):
> import git
> gh-pages-dir = ""
> git(dir=gh-pages-dir, "add .")
> git(dir=gh-pages-dir, "commit")
> git(dir=gh-pages-dir, "push origin gh-pages")
> I'm sure there are errors in the translation--but I'm equally sure that if 
> these errors were corrected, they would not substantially alter the ratio of 
> XML to Pythonic code. Ruby and even Perl would do just as well.
> So here's a challenge to the (very intelligent) folks at apache. Open your 
> minds to the fact that XML is not only the Final Solution, but isn't even 
> close to the best solution, and start producing some products that are 
> configurable without an entire manual in front of oneself. I realize that 
> arriving at an optimal solution is not really possible, but XML is so 
> suboptimal as to beggar belief.
> I am just so sick of using crappy "solutions" (read: XML) layered over top of 
> what could be good solutions.
> Sorry, had to vent. Who knows, maybe it'll do some good?
> Ken McDonald
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