Think of maven is a way to declare operations and attributes to acheieve tasks 
in a build environment using XML
Suprisingly maven is not the first programming language to use XML
ColdFusion is composed of XML declarative descriptors to express operations 
thru element descriptors and operators as attributes
In the 1990s Ant being the only tool build available to create as well as 
deploy jars, wars and ears is also implemented using XML
A short description is available here:
If your idea is to come up with a programmatic interface such as API then your 
architecture will help Maven expand its user-base

(Not a spokesman for Jason or Brett)
Martin Gainty~Hungry Alligator
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> Subject: maven is a swamp
> From:
> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 19:35:46 -0500
> To:
> Yes, I realize this is flamebait, but after trying to puzzle out the 
> following maven plugin:
> <plugin>
> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
> <version>1.6</version>
> <executions>
> <execution>
> <phase>deploy</phase>
> <id>deploy-gh-pages</id>
> <goals>
> <goal>run</goal>
> </goals>
> <configuration>
> <target>
> <property name="gh-pages-dir" location=""/>
> <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
> <arg line="add ."/>
> </exec>
> <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
> <arg line="commit"/>
> </exec>
> <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
> <arg line="push origin gh-pages"/>
> </exec>
> </target>
> </configuration>
> </execution>
> </executions>
> </plugin>
> I simply can't resist. Whoever in their right mind decided software 
> developers to think that requiring other developers to write config files in 
> XML was a proper decision?
> Python, Ruby, and (yes even Perl) have had had much more elegant and concise 
> ways of managing complex data structures for years now. And there's a reason 
> JSON has become so popular--primarily because XML is not, and was never 
> intended to be, a format for developers to write specifications in.
> Let's take a look at the most obvious of the problems in the above:
> <property name="gh-pages-dir" location=""/>
> <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
> <arg line="add ."/>
> </exec>
> <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
> <arg line="commit"/>
> </exec>
> <exec executable="git" dir="${gh-pages-dir}">
> <arg line="push origin gh-pages"/>
> </exec>
> Now, I'm still very new to maven, but it strikes me that what the above is 
> saying is (in Pythonic code, but feel free to convert to your own):
> import git
> gh-pages-dir = ""
> git(dir=gh-pages-dir, "add .")
> git(dir=gh-pages-dir, "commit")
> git(dir=gh-pages-dir, "push origin gh-pages")
> I'm sure there are errors in the translation--but I'm equally sure that if 
> these errors were corrected, they would not substantially alter the ratio of 
> XML to Pythonic code. Ruby and even Perl would do just as well. 
> So here's a challenge to the (very intelligent) folks at apache. Open your 
> minds to the fact that XML is not only the Final Solution, but isn't even 
> close to the best solution, and start producing some products that are 
> configurable without an entire manual in front of oneself. I realize that 
> arriving at an optimal solution is not really possible, but XML is so 
> suboptimal as to beggar belief.
> I am just so sick of using crappy "solutions" (read: XML) layered over top of 
> what could be good solutions.
> Sorry, had to vent. Who knows, maybe it'll do some good?
> Ken McDonald
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