On 28/10/2010 9:35 AM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:54 PM, Ron Wheeler
<rwhee...@artifact-software.com>  wrote:
It is hard to get enthusiastic about maintaining old software that has been
replaced by better stuff that is free.
maven-eclipse-plugin works roughly 100% of the time here, but the
m2eclipse plugin fails miserably with our maven project setup. And yes
we tried the latest version. It always results in having to download
and install vanilla eclipse.

Get Eclipse/STS and you have a much more current supported set of code and
everything that you need to develop with Maven.
Meh. sounds like having a commercial stake in the project. I happen to
like commandline mvn eclipse:eclipse without having to bloat my
eclipse installation with unnecessary plugins—eclipse has trouble
enough keeping up with the size of our projects.
No commercial interest.
It is free and I love getting everything I need installed in one download. Just add Hibernate plug-in and I am set to go. We used vanilla Eclipse for a few years but every time we installed a new version we lost a day. Now we are done in1/2 an hour or less.

I will not say that it is a small download or does not include stuff that I do not use.

I love the Maven tools.

You can also get training and commercial level support if you want it.
Why would anyone want to invest in older technology?
Why is it older? Because you don't like command line tools? Happening
to like command line tools make someone a dinosaur?
I am too old to be enamoured with command line tools. I first started editing with Teco (after abandoning punched cards in the 60s). I can still get around in vi.
I like editing XML by hand but prefer to use the POM GUI editor.
I like pointing and clicking and checking off some buttons to get Maven to do what I want.

I guess that I regard "liking command line tools" as eccentric at most.
I am old enough to be careful with the word "dinosaur" in a forum that caters to a younger high-tech crowd. :-)

Is the maven-eclipse-plugin old because it is not given any resources
by sonatype which happens to maintain the m2eclipse plugin?

Why bother with building a release for maven at all? Doesn't m2eclipse
supplant that too?


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