Why are you even trying to use Maven if you end up using Ant for everything?

Try using antrun, instead of exec to call ant..

When I migrated a number of projects from Ant to Maven, I began by
pulling pieces of each project out.  My 5 Ant projects turned into
about 10 Maven projects.

What parts of your build make it complicated?

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 7:43 PM, asdas adasads
<zestriddle123...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was expecting that kind of answer :)
> But, the problem is that we have too complicated build process to migrate it
> to maven.
> Supporting basic operations(clean, test,compile, package) required only few
> lines in the pom file so I was
> thinking that supporting install/deploy will be the same. Is there any
> website (I did research before writing this post)
> that talks about custom install process ?
> john
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 4:16 PM, Ron Wheeler
> <rwhee...@artifact-software.com>wrote:
>> On 08/11/2010 6:58 PM, asdas adasads wrote:
>>> Hi
>>>     In my current project I try to use maven as wrapper to ant. On each
>>> phase (clean, test, compile, package) I use exec-maven-plugin and execute
>>> counterpart ant command i.e. ant clean or ant test etc. The problem is the
>>> install phase. Ant creates three jars (in \build directory) called a.jar,
>>> b.jar, c.jar. Unfortunately maven disregards them, creates an empty jar in
>>> \target directory and installs it to the local repository. Is there any
>>> way
>>> to inform maven that it should try to install a.jar, b.jar, c.jar ?
>>> Best
>>> john
>>>  Get rid of Ant and get your build working with Maven.
>> Or get rid of Maven and just use ANT.
>> Mixing the 2 is just going to drive you crazy and generate lots of traffic
>> here for no real advantage.
>> Ron
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