> Why are you even trying to use Maven if you end up using Ant for
> everything?

To be honest only to be able to automatically push software to the remote
I'm developing a library that is used by external projects that use maven in
their build.
I wanted to avoid sending them jars (that might become obsolete over time)
and I would prefer
to be able to deploy my library to remote repository.

Try using antrun, instead of exec to call ant..

It didn't work, when using antrun maven didn't set the same classpath as I
would get when executing ant from
command line. In general from antrun I would call targets from my build.xml
so it is not a big difference whether I use
antrun or exec.

 What parts of your build make it complicated?

    I use some strange classpath manipulations during testing period, also I
have a lot of properties file.
In general ant works perfectly fine for me so I don't want mess things that
works correctly. Especially that I'm not author
of the code and I'm not 100% sure about it's features.


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Greg Akins <angryg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why are you even trying to use Maven if you end up using Ant for
> everything?
> Try using antrun, instead of exec to call ant..
> When I migrated a number of projects from Ant to Maven, I began by
> pulling pieces of each project out.  My 5 Ant projects turned into
> about 10 Maven projects.
> What parts of your build make it complicated?
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 7:43 PM, asdas adasads
> <zestriddle123...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was expecting that kind of answer :)
> >
> > But, the problem is that we have too complicated build process to migrate
> it
> > to maven.
> > Supporting basic operations(clean, test,compile, package) required only
> few
> > lines in the pom file so I was
> > thinking that supporting install/deploy will be the same. Is there any
> > website (I did research before writing this post)
> > that talks about custom install process ?
> >
> > john
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 4:16 PM, Ron Wheeler
> > <rwhee...@artifact-software.com>wrote:
> >
> >> On 08/11/2010 6:58 PM, asdas adasads wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi
> >>>
> >>>     In my current project I try to use maven as wrapper to ant. On each
> >>> phase (clean, test, compile, package) I use exec-maven-plugin and
> execute
> >>> counterpart ant command i.e. ant clean or ant test etc. The problem is
> the
> >>> install phase. Ant creates three jars (in \build directory) called
> a.jar,
> >>> b.jar, c.jar. Unfortunately maven disregards them, creates an empty jar
> in
> >>> \target directory and installs it to the local repository. Is there any
> >>> way
> >>> to inform maven that it should try to install a.jar, b.jar, c.jar ?
> >>>
> >>> Best
> >>>
> >>> john
> >>>
> >>>  Get rid of Ant and get your build working with Maven.
> >>
> >> Or get rid of Maven and just use ANT.
> >>
> >> Mixing the 2 is just going to drive you crazy and generate lots of
> traffic
> >> here for no real advantage.
> >>
> >> Ron
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> --
> Greg Akins
> http://insomnia-consulting.org
> http://www.pghcodingdojo.org
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