Are these sources of snapshots or releases?

If snapshots it may be that the sources were deployed with a different
timestamp, in which case the maven metadata my not be letting maven 3 find
the artifacts.

IIRC Maven 3 pays more attention to the metadata, whereas Maven 2 might not
trust it as much (but I could be wrong, my recollection is fuzzy)


On 23 November 2010 12:13, Moser, Christian <> wrote:

> I'm unable to download artifact sources with maven 3.0 and 3.0.1-RC1
> with following command.
> Sources classifier is: -sources (default)
> "mvn -U validate dependency:sources -DoverWriteSnapshots=true
> -DoverWriteReleases=true"
> the artifacts with classifier -sources are available in the locale
> remote-repository manager (artifactory).
> Is there another call to force maven to download sources?
> Greez Chris

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