On 07.12.2010 11:29, Stephen Connolly wrote:
> On 7 December 2010 10:14, Asmann, Roland <roland.asm...@adesso.at> wrote:
>  > Hi all,
>  >
>  > I was wondering if anybody ever had this problem...
>  >
>  > I have a customer who is running a machine with a SUN JDK and one with
>  > an IBM JDK. Now, we've noticed there are some differences between the
>  > two, so I thought it would be best to release their artefacts for both
>  > JDKs... Question is, can I do this somehow with Maven in a single
>  > release-cycle or do I need to make separate releases?
>  >
>  >
> I would consider running the tests twice and have just one set of
> artifacts... Otherwise you will have a nightmare of a dependency management.

I already have this... Yesterday I found out that one of my dependencies 
has a profile that is activated when I use the IBM JDK for building... 
This mad the EAR undeployable on the SUN JDK, because this dependency 
(jaxp) is probably included in the JDK for SUN.

So, I think my best solution would be to run Maven twice on all my 
projects -- once for SUN and once for IBM. Only question is, can I do 
this in a single go and how can I do this in the release-phase...
> Run the tests first with ibm and second with sun/oracle that way you know
> your artifacts work on both JREs

As I pointed out, this will not solve my problem completely, because I 
need 2 artifacts!
>  > Also, they currently have a problem in that they need SUN JDK 6 for most
>  > project, where one single module MUST be built with SUN JDK 5 because of
>  > a change in some classes. They are currently running the compiler-plugin
>  > with a bootclasspath for JDK 5, which isn't beautiful but works. Is
>  > there a way to have a single module use a different JDK from the others?
>  >
> Have a look at toolchains. Google is your friend. Toolchains support has
> been available for a while now, I know because I helped get it into a number
> of plugins.

If this can do what I want, then it might indeed be worth looking at. 
I'll give it a go in bit, I think I have some time today.
> Another thing you might consider is using
> animal-sniffer-maven-plu...@mojothat way you can verify that the JRE
> signatures you use are only public
> signatures and not internal classes that are not part of the published JRE

Roland Asmann
Senior Software Engineer

adesso Austria GmbH
Floridotower 26. Stock              T +43 1 2198790-27
Floridsdorfer Hauptstr. 1           F +43 1 2198790-927
A-1210 Wien                         M +43 664 88657566
                                    E roland.asm...@adesso.at
                                    W www.adesso.at

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