How about configuring a single job to check-out and build just one 
module? Would mean that you have lots of jobs (probably one for every 
module), but that way the big job wouldn't need to be triggered (don't 
forget to turn of polling and the subversion-hook!).

Then you could run the big job at night or something like that...


On 10-12-10 09:20, Andreas Wederbrand wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a alot of jobs on Hudson, most of which are really small and
> consist of just a few modules. But one is big and consist of several
> modules.
> When ever I make a commit to our subversion repository for any of
> those several modules in that big job, Hudson builds the entire job
> instead of just the module that have changed.
> It doesn't matter if I just scm-polling or a subversion hook, the
> result is the same.
> It seems to me like it would be better if the modules where built
> instead of the jobs since the other modules in other jobs have
> dependencies to the modules and not to the jobs.
> Can this be configured or do I have to create several jobs instead of
> the big one? And if so, can I configure the big job to never build
> when any of it's modules are being triggered but still build when it's
> own pom.xml is changed?
> Thanks.
> --
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Roland Asmann
Senior Software Engineer

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