Get Nexus or another Maven repo server installed so you have control and transparency over libraries.
You can manually add 3rd party jars easily.


On 04/01/2011 8:20 AM, Anders Hammar wrote:
I think that you should start by reading up one the maven repo structure.
That will explain the structure and also that the jars are not exploded. You
also need to understand the Maven coordinates groupId, artifactId and
version, as they are essential to locating the jars.

Then you can use the maven-install-plugin to install the jar to your local
repo. However, you should really get a repo manager so that you can put the
jars in a central repo for all your devs to retrieve it from.


On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 14:10, Ben Stover<>  wrote:

Sorry for this newbie question:

A project depends on some classes from a *.jar archive which are NOT
available through the common, well known Internet Maven Repsoitories.

I want to add these *.jar files to my local Repository manually.

Can I just copy the *.jars into the local repository folder?

As far as I can see there are currently NO *.jar files. All such dependent
*.jars are in "exploded"/ectracted format.

Does Maven auto-recognize new *.jar files and automatically extract them
into their subfolders in repository folder?

Or do I have to extract *.jar files manually and copy the directory tree

Do I have to tell Maven (in eclipse) that there are new artifacts in local


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