Another dumb newbie question about using maven with a nexus repository.

I have painstakingly developed a build process for a suite of applications sharing common modules that was based on using local repositories only. In that setup I blissfully paid zero attention to version numbers, calling every module SNAPSHOT-0.0.1 and handling all deployment decisions manually.

The build process is based on calling "mvn install" on "aggregator" projects against pristine source from version control. This builds each dependent module in turn and then the final product.

Now I finally have the opportunity to use a real repository and this is set up with snapshot and release sub-repos, with the release not allowing reuse of version numbers.

I am fine with this, and it's long overdue. Some of my modules are ultra-stable and need to be deployed as releases. Others are in development yet and are quite properly snapshots.

But I would rather not, if possible, redesign my entire build process. I'd like to be able to modify it to call "mvn deploy" instead of "mvn install". Of course this won't work with the nexus repository. So my question is, is there a way to tell maven, when building an assembly of modules,

a) to only build release modules if their POM version number is not already in the repository,
b) alternatively, to simply not try to deploy release modules that already are in the repository
c) not to fail the whole build when an attempted deployment of a module fails for this reason?


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