It means that this artifact used to be under the coordinates xerces:cerces,
but is now using the coordinates xerces:xercesImpl. When the developers
moved it, the created a so-called relocation pom in the old space, to
simplify for the users. The build still works right? But you get this
You should update your pom(s) to use the new coordinates instead of the old
ones. If it's in one of your dependencies, it's not very much you can do but
to report this to the devs of the artifact with that dependency.

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:09, Jonathan Vila Lopez

> Hello.
> When I try to compile my software I get this errors :
> [WARNING] The artifact xerces:xerces:jar:2.4.0 has been relocated to
> xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.4.0
> Downloading:
> Downloading:
> Downloading:
> Downloading:
> Downloading:
> When I browse those urls I see that indeed the jar file does not exist, but
> pom and sha files exists.
> 1. So, what's the purpose to store those files without the jar ?
> 2. Do I have to manually download the jars from their right location ?
> Thank's a lot.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                   *Slitzweitz !!!!!!  *

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