Hi guys,

First, thanks for a terrific tool in Maven!

For my Open Source project Metawidget (http://metawidget.org) I am distributing 
the examples as standalone Maven projects with their own POMs. However each
POM shares a couple of levels of parent POM, with the top-level parent POM 
defining a <dependencyManagement> block of artifact versions. I believe this is
pretty common practice?

I instruct my users to first download metawidget-1.20-examples.zip 
(http://metawidget.org/download.php), then extract it and build, say, the GWT 
(which has a couple shared projects) using:

        -pl org.metawidget.examples.gwt:addressbook-gwt -am install
What I *expect* to happen is that Maven builds 
'org.metawidget.examples.gwt:addressbook-gwt' (-pl) and shared projects (-am) 
and automatically downloads
all dependencies related to their <dependencies> blocks.

What *actually* happens, however, is that Maven seems to traverse up the 
heirarchy to the top-level POM, into its <dependencyManagement> block, and 
to download *every* dependency in there. This includes many dependencies that 
have nothing to do with src/examples/gwt/addressbook/pom.xml or its shared

This behaviour is really killing my user's experience, as it can take over an 
hour to download all <dependencyManagement> dependencies on a clean machine -
when only a dozen or so are needed for the sake of the tutorial.

Is this a bug? Is there anyway to prevent Maven exhibiting this behaviour?



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