Sorry, I'm not sure what you are recommending I do.

Should I edit my POM in Visual Studio and changed something in the NPanday section of the plugins, or do you mean run the actual mvn command?

Also, I'm not sure about what you mean about kenai?

Cheers, Eric

On 2011-05-12 5:13 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

you can define settingsFile for npanday plugin as :
mvn npanday.plugin:maven-vsinstaller-plugin:install 

could you briefly educate our members on a project called kenai?
Martin Gainty
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Date: Thu, 12 May 2011 16:32:52 -0700
Subject: settings.xml problems

I keep getting

12/05/11 3:17:12 PDT PM: Could not read settings.xml, assuming default

Now for the back-story. Everything was fine, I am using Sonatype m2e and
love it. I also have the regular maven release installed, although that
is not a requirement for m2e.

I've been trying to get NPanday 1.4.0 working in Visual Studio 2010 and
it kept complaining that it could not find a settings.xml file. Well,
guess what you don't need one in your .m2 folder, but NPanday thinks you
do. Anyway, I copied the default one from the standard Maven release to
.m2 and that makes NPanday happy, but it makes m2e very unhappy. If I
remove the file then m2e is happy but NPanday is not.

I can only assume that Sonatype have a different default settings.xml
than the standard Maven release, but I'm surprised to see they are so
incompatible. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way for me to
harmonize things that makes both m2e and NPanday happy?

Cheers, Eric

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