Any time you all get tired of insulting each other's intelligence we
can all try to find a solution.

It's a simple fact, Maven was, indeed, designed to build Java. It was
not designed to build C++ or any other native code language. The core
model of what gets built is one output per module.

Features have been added that are intended to help with that. On the
other hand, the core tools to build C++ code sat forlorn for several
years at one point.

Speaking as someone who builds a gigantic production farm of C++ code
into (amongst other things), JNI, I'll tell you that we don't use
maven to build any C++ at all. We Just Use Make, and then we bring the
appropriate native libs into the maven build for testing. The deploy
plugin are our friends, A command-line run of deploy:deploy-file from
a makefile can push a native package into our repository, and and then
 the maven build to unpacks when needed to run tests or to make

We use the 'classifier' concept to mark artifacts that are
architecture-sensitive. We do not use profiles for architectures, due
to artifact id collisions.

You can use the build helper or the assembly plugin to cause one
module to emit multiple artifacts that differ by a classifier.

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