Cool article.  

You are correct: Maven has a very steep learning curve. M2E makes it easier 
only partially, but still requires an advance Maven Admin on the 
I wonder: Was the Sonatype book helpful? When I first started, it didn't exist 
yet and I had to learn only from another person who installed Maven for a 

Regarding you setup depicted in the article, here are a few comments:
Why did you put your Maven repository under "P:\supercool\Maven\repository" and 
not stick with the convention of ~/.m2/repository (I don't remember the similar 
path in Windows, but it should be under the User Profile directory)?  
Why did you not put your settings file as convention goes: ~/.m2/settings.xml?
In our team, we softlinked ~/.m2/settings.xml to a source controlled directory 
everyone has: ~/work/acme/build, thus spreading a new company configuration 

Regarding Perforce - Why not git? Git is free, amazingly fast, awfully 
intuitive, and has integration in all IDEs (Unfortunately best integration is 
in IntelliJ).

In my professional life I've used many tools: CA's CCC/Harvest, IBM's 
ClearCase, Subversion, Mercurial, and git.
The best tool I've found was git. One of my favorite feature is the merge - 
simply outstanding compared to any other tool.

Asaf Mesika
Sent with Sparrow (

On יום שישי 5 אוגוסט 2011 at 08:35, Eric Kolotyluk wrote:

> OK, this is my meager first attempt to give something back to the  
> community...
> <>
> Send e-mail to my personal address, or flame/commend me in the mailing  
> lists - I'm thick skinned, but receptive of praise.
> The point is, I really love Maven, but I want to see it improve, and  
> this is my way of going about it. I hope hope to add more experience to  
> this in the future, so comments and criticism are appreciated.
> Cheers, Eric
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