This is probably some sort of misunderstanding on my part, but I thought I'd

When executing a multi-module build, it appears that Maven will not detect
that certain parent POMs in the project need to be built before an effective
project scan can be completed.

That is, suppose that you have a project structure with an aggregator, A, a
module that is a parent pom, B, and a module that is a child of B (C).

So A aggregates B and C; C extends from B.

Assume also that (deliberately) the <parent> stanza does not have its
<relativePath> set.  (This is because in a large team with moderately
skilled developers, there are all sorts of problems if the developer forgets
to svn update B--the relative path of C's parent will pick up the workspace
copy of B, not the most recent copy in the Maven repository.)

If you run the reactor here it will use the repository copy of B, rather
than realizing (as I think it should) that B is something that it can build
to get a more recent copy.

I would expect there to be a two-part scanning algorithm: first scan all
modules and see if their parents are modules in the build.  If so, then
build those modules first.  Then build the other projects in dependency

Am I missing something?  My apologies if so.



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