Third time trying to send this... I keep getting spam blocked.....

"Technical details of permanent failure:
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returned was: 552 552 spam score (5.3) exceeded threshold

The long and the short of it is I need to come up with a set of test
projects to verify what I am seeing.

If I'm reading this right, there are a few expected behaviors..
1.  mvn site:site site:stage should work.
2.  The <distributionManagement><site><url> is important.
*  It can be in the form of file://mysite/ or scp://mysite/
*  It will be inherited by child modules (as in hierarchy, not
aggregator/directory children) and appended with that child artifactId.
** This will not work if the module directory does not match the artifactId.
3.  Does the <project><url> tag matter?

What I would like to do is add
to my corporate pom and have that be inherited down to the children,
grandchildren, etc nodes..

So, for example, if I have a hierarchy
and an aggregator root module
corp->my-aggregator which aggregates my-grandparent, my-parent and my-module


If only corp has a url defined,
I would expect the my-module url to be
scp://mysite/my-grandparent/my-parent/my-module/ ?
And the following structure for my-aggregator/staging ?

And all the links properly navigate this structure.

I've got a bit of vacation coming up, but after that I will try to come up
with some simple test projects to confirm what I am seeing on our main
project (or perhaps expose that I'm doing something non-maveny that i can


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