Wait - your not SERIOUSLY calling out Maven Central as being a quality
repository?  It's certainly much better now with the excellent work
oss.sonatype.org is providing, but there's still so much broken meta-data
and missing jars and cruft floating around central.

Back to the topic tho - I wouldn't so much be opposed to this behavior if
maven actually told the user this is whats happening, rather than its
current behavior of just saying "artifact not found".  I've had numerous
people question their sanity on IRC, around work and elsewhere the confusion
of artifacts being in their local repository, but not being found.

If Maven said something like:  "The {GAV} artifact was found in your local
repository, but came from the undeclared repository "xxx", either configure
this in your pom, or in your "yyy" mirror."

Was there some reason why only the repository "id" is stored in the
_maven.repositories file, and not the URL to it?  If two projects had
"jboss", and "JBoss" as ids pointing to the same URL, I'd expect them to
work, but I suspect because maven doesn't track that level, then it


"Great artists are extremely selfish and arrogant things" — Steven Wilson,
Porcupine Tree

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 6:52 AM, Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de> wrote:

>  Another problem did arise with the java.net maven repo and other repos
> which contain broken artifacts. This repo historically had a _very_ bad
> quality, serving broken artifacts, wrong md5 sums, etc. Most of those
> artifacts also have been available on maven.central - but with a checked and
> confirmed quality! So back in the days if one project enabled the 
> java.netrepo and you downloaded such artifacts from there, then you were 
> basically
> doomed for the rest of your ~/.m2/repository life ;)

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