System scoped dependencies are dead. Ignore their zombie like walking
about. Stop fighting maven and just install the jars into a repo

On 11 November 2011 16:02, Bengt Rodehav <> wrote:
> We are using maven 3.0.3 and have problems using property values defined in
> our local settings.xml for specifying systemPath values for system-scoped
> dependencies. It seems this possibility has been removed in maven 3.
> The system-scoped variable is necessary because we depend directly on a
> third party application server jar file which now has hard coded dependency
> jars listed in its MANIFEST. It is simply not practical to install these
> (several dozen - perhaps hundreds) jars into our remote Maven repository.
> The problem is serious because the pom files which use this system-scoped
> dependency do not pass validation when parsed by the reactor, preventing
> any transitive dependencies from being resolved in child projects. The
> current workaround is to define these properties in our parent pom instead,
> but this is not ideal since the values are environment-specific in nature
> and should not be hard coded in the pom.
> I wonder why this has changed in maven 3 and what then is the best practice
> to handle a situation like ours (it must be a common scenario)?
> As a side note we actually discovered this on computers running maven 2.2.1
> but using m2eclipse. M2eclipse seems to use an embedded snapshot version of
> maven 3  for its dependency resolution (we use m2eclipse
> 12.0.20101115-1102). It has worked perfectly for a long time but just
> recently started to exhibit this behaviour. We don't really know what has
> triggered this but we are guessing that m2eclipse perhaps updated itself
> with a new snapshot version of maven 3 - not really sure have m2eclipse
> works regarding this.
> I appreciate any help,
> /Bengt

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