On 11 November 2011 16:31, Wayne Fay <wayne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> System scoped dependencies are dead. Ignore their zombie like walking
>> about. Stop fighting maven and just install the jars into a repo
> I agree, but shouldn't we kill system entirely at some point (I mean
> in the code) -- if we see a system-scoped dependency, we just fail the
> build with an appropriate error message? It is a dead concept IMO and
> is simply confusing to users who try to use it.

Yes I agree... but lets get 3.0.4 out first ;-)

To answer the OP

Think of it like this, when you specify a "system" scope dependency
then you are stating that the system is responsible for providing that
dependency _and_ all its dependencies -> transitive stops at system

Similarly, with provided scope, you are saying that somebody else is
taking care of providing that dependency at run time, and so therefore
maven doesn't have to worry about it or its dependencies.
> Wayne
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