execute the process-resources phase... but beware if you are binding your
plugin to the lifecycle you would be better giving the default phase as
process-resources rather than forking a lifecycle with @execute

On 15 November 2011 10:28, Jan Bernhardt <jbernha...@talend.com> wrote:

>  ** **
> Hi,****
> ** **
> how can I ensure that resource filtering took place before my maven plugin
> is executed?****
> ** **
> Background:****
> I wrote my own maven plugin. I used spring to wire my components together
> and set specific configuration parameters.****
> Now I would like to use maven properties in my spring-config.xml. I put my
> spring-config.xml into src/main/resources/ and used ${maven.property}
> placeholders.****
> In my plugin I now want to read the spring-config.xml which contains the
> values from my pom.xml file instead of my placeholders.****
> I used the following code to access this config file in my plugin:****
> ** **
> /******
> * @parameter expression="${spring.config}"
> default-value="${project.build.outputDirectory}${file.separator}spring-config.xml"
> ****
> * @required****
> */****
> private String config;****
> ** **
> ** **
> But because the target sources have not been generated yet, I get a
> FileNotFoundException when I try to read this config file.****
> I read something about an “@execute” Annotation which executes another
> plugin first, before executing the current plugin. But I don’t know how to
> set it right, that filtering takes place before my plugin is executed. I
> tried, but it didn’t work:****
> ** **
> @execute goal=”resources:resources”****
> ** **
> Kind regards
> Jan****
> ** **
> ** **
> Jan Bernhardt, M.Sc., +49 (228) 76 37 76 - 15, Talend, global leader in
> Open Source Integration****
>  ****
> [image: Description: sig_businesscard] 
> <http://www.talend.com/JANBER.vcf>[image:
> Description: 
> sig_direction]<http://www.talend.com/open-source-provider/contacts.php>[image:
> Description: 
> sig_download]<http://www.talend.com/download.php?src=EmailSignature>
> ****
> [image: Description: sig_talend] <http://www.talend.com/>****
> ** **
>             ****

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