
You can create simple wrapper goals like this:

  <goal name="build-only"
        description="Build without running tests">
    <j:set var="maven.test.skip" value="true"/>
    <attainGoal name="jar:install-snapshot"/>

  <goal name="install"
        description="Build, run tests, and install">
    <attainGoal name="jar:install-snapshot"/>

Then just invoke the appropriate one.


On Tue, 10 Aug 2004, at 13:49:06 [GMT +0100] Kenny MacLeod wrote:

> Folks,

> I currently have a project where the unit tests take a considerable amount of time 
> to run (5 minutes or so), and as a result, running them every time I do a build is 
> proving impractical. 
> Initially, I just added the maven.test.skip flag to my, but this 
> isn't a good solution, mainly because if I explicitly want to run the unit tests, I 
> have to take the flag out
> again.

> What I want is for the unit tests not to be run when i do a build, but I do want 
> them to run if I explicitly say so.  The interactions between the Java and Test 
> plugins don't seem to be flexible
> enough to allow this.  

> My current solution is to move the unit tests out to a seperate project, but that 
> seems like an arse-backwards way of going about it.  Can anyone suggest a better 
> approach?

> cheers
> kenny


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