Trying to use Maven without a repo is a horrible way to work.
Install a proper Maven repo.

Your problem looks like an Eclipse issue and you can probably get more interest in an Eclipse forum.


On 12/01/2012 5:52 PM, Paul Rivera wrote:
Hi Guys,

In a nutshell, I'm using maven on a web project which has a dependency on a java project. 
 Both projects are in my eclipse workspace.  By running "mvn eclipse:eclipse 
-Dwtpversion=2.0", maven resolves that the java project dependency is in my 
workspace.  But when I run my web project on a server from within eclipse (i.e. the 
servers tab), it does not load the jar of my java project.  I've looked into the folder 
where my webapp gets deployed 
 and confirmed that the jar is not there.

I think that the problem is when maven tries to resolve that the java project 
is in my workspace and loads it from there instead of the M2_REPO.  Changing 
the following fixes this:
<dependent-module archiveName="opinionwatch-core.jar" deploy-path="/WEB-INF/lib" 


<dependent-module archiveName="opinionwatch-core-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" 

(NOTE: opinionwatch-core is the name of the java project dependency)

This seems to be a clear bug.  I've seen some people post some overcomplicated 
workarounds.  Is there any plan to fix this?

Best Regards,
Paul Rivera

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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