Thanks all for quick responses !!!

Special Thanks to Eric Kolotyluk and Manfred Moser.

Blog is super cool. Thanks for posting it.

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Amir Gheibi <>wrote:

> Got it. Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Kolotyluk []
> Sent: March-14-12 2:57 PM
> To: Amir Gheibi
> Cc: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Which is the BEST Approach to define Global POM.XML
> Amir, my Project POM has more modules inside (platform.Java &
> platform.NET), and they in turn are packaging type "POM" because there are
> more modules in those, that typically are types like "JAR" so my structure
> looks like
> Corporate POM
> +-- Project POM 1
> +--+-- Platform POM 1.1
> +--+--+-- Artifact POM 1.1.1
> +--+--+-- Artifact POM 1.1.2
> +--+-- Platform POM 1.2
> +--+--+-- Artifact POM 1.2.1
> +--+--+-- Artifact POM 1.2.2
> The Project and Platform POM are just there for structural reasons. For
> example if I want I can do a clean and deploy in the Project POM directory
> and everything gets built, tested and deployed, or I work on more specific
> pieces.
> Cheers, Eric
> On 2012-03-14 2:34 PM, Amir Gheibi wrote:
> > Hi Eric,
> >
> > I was wondering why your project POM's packaging type is "POM". If I
> understand correctly, with "POM" packaging type you'd only get 3 default
> goals bound to their phases (I read it here:
> ).
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Amir
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Eric Kolotyluk []
> > Sent: March-14-12 2:22 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Which is the BEST Approach to define Global POM.XML
> >
> > What I do is have a top-level POM like (see below), and then I have my
> > top level project POMs reference that (see further below). This may
> > not be the best example, as I am still in the process of building the
> > infrastructure, but
> >
> >   1. I put the Parent POM in its own place in source control and I
> >      manually deploy it with Maven when I make changes.
> >   2. You need to do this before creating any Project POMs that reference
> >      it because they should reference it via Maven and not the file
> >      system - if you work in a large company you will soon discover why.
> >   3. There is of course a bootstrapping issue because now the project
> >      POMs need to know how to find your Repository Manager, which is why
> >      I include that information in the top level (Corporate) POM so
> >      people can use it as a reference.
> >   4. As you may gather I am using Sonatype's Nexus as a Repository
> Manager.
> >   5. We are still developing our corporate repository infrastructure so
> >      the content of the Corporate POM will evolve over time as our
> >      corporate governance and policies are better codified.
> >
> > Does that help?
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project
> > xmlns="";
> > xmlns:xsi="";
> > xsi:schemaLocation="
> >";>
> > <!--
> >          Copyright (c) My Company 2012
> >
> >          Proprietary&  Confidential
> >
> >          This is the top level POM for My Company Maven projects. It
> contains rules and standards common to all projects.
> >
> >          Changes:
> >
> >          2011-09-23 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT Eric Kolotyluk
> >            Created initial version for check-in into source control.
> >
> >          2012-02-27 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT Eric Kolotyluk
> >            Reconfigured for Nexus 2.0 on sonatype.
> >      -->
> > <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> > <groupId>com</groupId>
> > <artifactId>my-company</artifactId>
> > <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> > <packaging>pom</packaging>
> > <name>My Company Corporate POM</name>
> > <description>Corporate Project Object Module for standard conventions
> > and rules.</description>  <developers>  <developer>  <id>10069959</id>
> > <name>Eric Kolotyluk</name>  <email></email>
> > <organization>My Company Ltd.</organization>  <timezone>Vancouver
> > PDT</timezone>  <roles>  <role>Software Architect</role>
> > <role>Software Developer</role>  </roles>  </developer>  </developers>
> > <organization>  <name>My Company</name>  </organization>
> > <distributionManagement>
> > <downloadUrl>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/groups/public</downloa
> > dUrl>
> > <repository>
> > <uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion>
> > <id>nexus</id>
> > <name>My Company Release Repository</name>
> > <url>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases</url>
> > <layout>default</layout>
> > </repository>
> > <snapshotRepository>
> > <id>nexus</id>
> > <name>My Company Snapshot Repository</name>
> > <url>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots</url>
> > <layout>default</layout>
> > </snapshotRepository>
> > </distributionManagement>
> > <build>
> > </build>
> > <repositories>
> > <repository>
> > <releases>
> > <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy>
> > </releases>
> > <id>info.collide.mvn</id>
> > <name>Collide</name>
> > <url>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/repositories/info.collide.mvn/
> > </url>
> > </repository>
> > <repository>
> > <id>thirdparty</id>
> > <name>3rd party</name>
> > <url>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty/</url>
> > </repository>
> > </repositories>
> > <dependencies>
> > </dependencies>
> > <reporting>
> > <plugins>
> > </plugins>
> > </reporting>
> > <dependencyManagement>
> > </dependencyManagement>
> > <properties>
> > <>UTF-8</>
> > </properties>
> > </project>
> >
> > - - - - - - -
> >
> > <project xmlns="";
> > xmlns:xsi="";
> > xsi:schemaLocation="
> >";>
> > <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> > <parent>
> > <groupId>com</groupId>
> > <artifactId>my-company</artifactId>
> > <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> > </parent>
> > <groupId></groupId>
> > <artifactId>intersystem</artifactId>
> > <version>0.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
> > <packaging>pom</packaging>
> > <name>My Company Intersystem</name>
> > <description>Service layer for collaborative, distributed applications
> > and services</description>  <licenses>  <license>  <name>My Company
> > Intersystem</name>
> > <url>
> > elines/Intersystem/default.aspx</url>
> > <distribution>repo</distribution>
> > </license>
> > </licenses>
> > <developers>
> > <developer>
> > <id>10069959</id>
> > <name>Eric Kolotyluk</name>
> > <email></email>
> > <organization>My Company</organization> <timezone>Vancouver
> > PDT</timezone> <roles> <role>Software Architect</role> <role>Software
> > Developer</role> <role>Intersystem Architect</role> </roles>
> > </developer> </developers> <organization> <name>My Company</name>
> > </organization> <distributionManagement>
> > <downloadUrl>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/groups/public</downloa
> > dUrl>
> > <repository>
> > <uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion>
> > <id>nexus</id>
> > <name>My Company Release Repository</name>
> > <url>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases</url>
> > <layout>default</layout>
> > </repository>
> > <snapshotRepository>
> > <id>nexus</id>
> > <name>My Company Snapshot Repository</name>
> > <url>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots</url>
> > <layout>default</layout>
> > </snapshotRepository>
> > </distributionManagement>
> > <build>
> > </build>
> > <repositories>
> > <repository>
> > <releases>
> > <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy>
> > </releases>
> > <id>info.collide.mvn</id>
> > <name>Collide</name>
> > <url>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/repositories/info.collide.mvn/
> > </url>
> > </repository>
> > <repository>
> > <id>thirdparty</id>
> > <name>3rd party</name>
> > <url>http://sonatype:8081/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty/</url>
> > </repository>
> > </repositories>
> > <dependencies>
> > </dependencies>
> > <reporting>
> > <plugins>
> > </plugins>
> > </reporting>
> > <dependencyManagement>
> > </dependencyManagement>
> > <properties>
> > <net.sf.jni4net.version></net.sf.jni4net.version>
> > <>UTF-8</>
> > </properties>
> > <modules>
> > <module>platform.Java</module>
> > <module>platform.NET</module>
> > </modules>
> > </project>
> >
> > On 2012-03-14 1:29 PM, Daivish Shah wrote:
> >> Hi Maven Team,
> >>
> >> I am trying to find out what is the best way to define company
> >> specific GLOBAL POM.XML. Which each team can inherit it in EACH
> Projects.
> >>
> >> Can some one provide me guideline on that ? Is that going to be
> >> profile or just simple POM.XML ? And how to inherit that. Please
> >> provide me guideline to implement it. As this is very critical before
> >> we implement all projects with MAVEN.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Daivish.
> >>
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