Eric Kolotyluk wrote:

> What I do is have a top-level POM like (see below), and then I have my
> top level project POMs reference that (see further below). This may not
> be the best example, as I am still in the process of building the
> infrastructure, but
>  1. I put the Parent POM in its own place in source control and I
>     manually deploy it with Maven when I make changes.
>  2. You need to do this before creating any Project POMs that reference
>     it because they should reference it via Maven and not the file
>     system - if you work in a large company you will soon discover why.
>  3. There is of course a bootstrapping issue because now the project
>     POMs need to know how to find your Repository Manager, which is why
>     I include that information in the top level (Corporate) POM so
>     people can use it as a reference.
>  4. As you may gather I am using Sonatype's Nexus as a Repository Manager.
>  5. We are still developing our corporate repository infrastructure so
>     the content of the Corporate POM will evolve over time as our
>     corporate governance and policies are better codified.
> Does that help?


> <modules>
> <module>platform.Java</module>
> <module>platform.NET</module>
> </modules>


It's a bad idea to declare modules in a global (resp. corporate POM). Such a 
POM should be a project on its own with no submodules. Or do you think the 
Apache parent POM references all projects at Apache that use Maven directly 
(or indirectly)?

A project POM may now refer the global parent either using a specific 
version (to pin down a specific set of versions and dependencies) or a 
SNAPSHOT to use the latest entries/updates of the global POM.

- Jörg

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