Take a step back and try and explain exactly what the problem is that you
think you are trying to solve.

I have a sneaky feeling you are trying to get functionality similar to
staging/promotion available from the good repository managers (iirc nexus
free does not, but nexus pro and artifactory certainly have the capability,
I would need to check archivia, but I suspect it might)

On Tuesday, 27 March 2012,  <jose.nunez-zul...@barclays.com> wrote:
> Hello Maven users,
> I have a project master pom.xml with a distribution management section
defined like this:
>  <distributionManagement>
>    <repository>
>      <id>one</id>
>      <name>Blah Managed Releases Repository</name>
>      <url>http://XXXX:8080/archiva/repository/one/</url>
>      <layout>default</layout>
>    </repository>
>    <snapshotRepository>
>      <id>snapshots</id>
>      <name>Blah Managed Snapshots Repository</name>
>      <url>http://XXXX:8080/archiva/repository/snapshots/</url>
>      <uniqueVersion>true</uniqueVersion>
>      <layout>default</layout>
>    </snapshotRepository>
>  </distributionManagement>
> I want to be able to override this values on a test and production setup,
having the production setting enabled by default; After reading the Maven
site it seems than the only way to do this is by using profiles but after
some reading on this list it seems than the are not a good choice (many
> There is a cleaner way to achieve this?
> Can someone point me to some examples? I'm not sure what to put where
> Thanks in advance,
> --Jose
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