and what is exactly wrong with

mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=id::default::url deploy


no change to pom required

On 28 March 2012 14:35, Lyons, Roy <> wrote:
> Actually, this makes some sense to me.  If you really want to test out your 
> build scripts, but do not want to make actual changes to the corporate repo, 
> you would want to instead publish to a temporary area.  You don't actually 
> want to disable the "deploy" but you don't want it overwriting your current 
> binaries since Java was so awesome as to always create binaries with a new 
> md5sum (AWESOME feature let me tell you...).
> I would be interested in the outcome of this as well, since at the moment our 
> only way of setting up a test environment is to create entirely new code 
> repos and update poms.  Of course code and poms get out of date -- so 
> unexpected "goodness" has the ability to creep up on us during production 
> builds.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Connolly []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 2:45 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: There is a way to override distributionManagement in Maven
> Take a step back and try and explain exactly what the problem is that you 
> think you are trying to solve.
> I have a sneaky feeling you are trying to get functionality similar to 
> staging/promotion available from the good repository managers (iirc nexus 
> free does not, but nexus pro and artifactory certainly have the capability, I 
> would need to check archivia, but I suspect it might)
> On Tuesday, 27 March 2012,  <> wrote:
>> Hello Maven users,
>> I have a project master pom.xml with a distribution management section
> defined like this:
>>  <distributionManagement>
>>    <repository>
>>      <id>one</id>
>>      <name>Blah Managed Releases Repository</name>
>>      <url>http://XXXX:8080/archiva/repository/one/</url>
>>      <layout>default</layout>
>>    </repository>
>>    <snapshotRepository>
>>      <id>snapshots</id>
>>      <name>Blah Managed Snapshots Repository</name>
>>      <url>http://XXXX:8080/archiva/repository/snapshots/</url>
>>      <uniqueVersion>true</uniqueVersion>
>>      <layout>default</layout>
>>    </snapshotRepository>
>>  </distributionManagement>
>> I want to be able to override this values on a test and production
>> setup,
> having the production setting enabled by default; After reading the Maven 
> site it seems than the only way to do this is by using profiles but after 
> some reading on this list it seems than the are not a good choice (many 
> caveats).
>> There is a cleaner way to achieve this?
>> Can someone point me to some examples? I'm not sure what to put where
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --Jose
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