Thanks Wayne,

That is the reason for my two jars, one is source and the other binary.
However, this statement does not make sense in all cases, since one can
create self-running JAR files with manifest file to run the
program with "java -jar myProgram.jar". This may include both binary and

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Wayne Fay <> wrote:

> > conalab@ching-jen-laptop
> :~/.m2/repository/com/huawei/cona/android/zeroconf/jmdns/1.0$
> > mvn install:install-file -Dfile=src.jmdns.jar -Dsources=src.jmdns.jar
> > -DgroupId=src.jmdns -DartifactId=jmdns -Dversion=new -Dpackaging=jar
> > -DgeneratePom=true
> You have already been sufficiently razed over the real issue regarding
> your import statements. I won't pile on but assume that you will
> review your Java 101 documentation.
> I do want to point out (for you and anyone else who sees this thread
> in the future) that it is highly unlikely that you want to use the
> same jar for "sources" and binary. This is what your install-file
> command above is doing.
> In general, I'd expect to see a binary jar (eg jmdns.jar) and a
> sources jar (eg jmdns-src.jar). You would specify the binary file with
> -Dfile and the source file with -Dsources.
> In fact, I'd go so far as to strongly encourage you to NOT use a
> sources jar (or a binary jar that packs the sources along with the
> compiled binaries) as if it was a binary jar. Compilers will do funky
> things when they run into Java source code in binary jars -- we've
> seen several complaints from people doing GWT work on this list where
> their compilers were giving odd error messages that were related to
> the source files in their binary jars.
> Wayne
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