The solution is to use a junit assumption to skip the test, e.g.

Assume.assumeThat("Test fails on windows", 
System.getProperty("file.seperator.char"), is("/"));

Added to the start of each test method will cause them to be skipped on windows 
but run elsewhere...

Note I am on my phone and memory is imperfect so the syntax will need tweaking

Sent from my iPhone

On 14 Jul 2012, at 03:42, "" <> wrote:

> Am 12.07.2012 23:19, schrieb Wayne Fay:
>>> With JUnit everthing is perfekt on Linux and Windows. With Maven it
>> What version of JUnit and how are you calling it?
>>> works perfekt under Linux, but fails sometimes under Windows 7 64.
>> What is the failure under Windows? Can you add code to trap that error
>> and report the details? Do you have any idea why it fails sometimes
>> but not always?
>>> I know there is an issue with file handling on Windows that does not
>>> exists on Linux, but wondering that JUnit do the trick and Maven don't
>>> do it (sometimes).
>>> Does anyone knows a solution, if it is a Maven problem?
>> For good measure, I'd suggest adding config to your pom to specify the
>> Surefire version:
>>  <build>
>>    <plugins>
>>      <plugin>
>>        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>        <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>>        <version>2.12</version>
>>        <dependencies>
>>          <dependency>
>>            <groupId>org.apache.maven.surefire</groupId>
>>            <artifactId>surefire-junit47</artifactId>
>>            <version>2.12</version>
>>          </dependency>
>>        </dependencies>
>>      </plugin>
>>    </plugins>
>>  </build>
>> Windows is annoying for reasons like this so I try to stay on OSX and
>> Linux whenever possible.
>> Wayne
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> Damn, you made my day!
> Now everything works like I expected.
> Yes,  I understand if you don't want to download and execute code like
> this. It was just a try to bring this thread fast forward. The
> maven-surefire-plugin-hint above was all I needed.
> I did the JUnit tests with version 4.8.1 using eclipse and just hit the
> run button some times with no error. If I
> do it with "mvn clean install" using the command prompt with the
> following pom, I got an error after a few hits on enter.
>    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>    <groupId>test</groupId>
>    <artifactId>maven-file-test</artifactId>
>    <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
>    <packaging>jar</packaging>
>    <name>maven-file-test</name>
>    <properties>
>        <>UTF-8</>
>    </properties>
>    <dependencies>
>        <dependency>
>            <groupId>junit</groupId>
>            <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
>            <version>4.8.1</version>
>            <scope>test</scope>
>        </dependency>
>    </dependencies>
> My code is quite simple. A method that writes a file and another one
> that deletes a file.
> The first test inside the test class writes the file, the second test
> case delete it.
> And I know that it may failed because of the underlying platform like
> the javadoc told, for example, in FileOutputStream.
> After I added a third test case with a loop around writing and deleting
> - which is much as faster as I can do it by pressing the
> run button inside an IDE ;) - and after I added maven-surefire-plugin to
> my pom like you told, I saw that
> both executions (IDE and command prompt) ends with an error.
> With the IDE after a while also and with the command prompt not as often
> as before. The different frequency of the error appearance made me mad.
> The next two questens I have to find out are:
> 1. What does the maven-surefire-plugin exactly do? It still fails, but
> not so much like without it.
> 2. Is there a way to avoid running tests with maven depends on the OS if
> I reach a level where
> no independent solution exists like loading a C-lib for example, don't
> care if it is a good idea?
> Your hint let my go in the right direction again.
> Thanks!
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