Hi Jesper,

> I use the command "plugin:install-now" after which I expect to be able to 
> run my plugin. I try deleting the various cache files, running 
> "plugin:install" etc.
> In the end maven says that the goal I am trying to run dosent exist....I 
> checked the cache folder and the unpacked plugin and the goal is there...
I think it would help if you gave us more information;  Like the
significant part of your project.xml, plugin.jelly, etc.  And of course,
the error messages you're getting. ;)

> How is the plugin development cycle...which plugin commands should I run - 
> where do I go wrong?
Have you read this page?
Have you tried the sample?  Did it work?
If it did, try evolving the sample into your plugin bits by bits,
testing each bit.

Best regards,
-- Shinobu Kawai


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