You may also wish to investigate whether there are non-sun jars available that have more amenable licensing terms. For instance, geronimo has a jta jar. M1.jar

many thanks,
david jencks

On Aug 24, 2004, at 4:04 AM, Ricardo Gladwell wrote:

Hi All,

At the moment one of my maven projects depends upon JARs distributed by Sun (e.g. JTA). I'm manually downloading and extracting the ZIPs from Sun and copying the JARs to my local repository. Ideally, I would like some way to automatically download the ZIPs and extract the relevant files.

I understand there was some discussion about this on the mailing list to create some "scrapper" maven plug-ins to auotmagically do this. What was the outcome and what is the process for supplying these files?

Kind regards
-- Ricardo Gladwell

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