Hi all,

I'm having an issue with a plugin. I have two mojos with the following
annotations (yes, I haven't yet moved to Java5 annotations):

 * @goal run-codeserver
 * @execute phase=process-classes
 * @requiresDirectInvocation
 * @requiresDependencyResolution compile

 * @goal run
 * @execute phase=process-classes goal:war:exploded
 * @requiresDirectInvocation
 * @requiresDependencyResolution test

They both use the same code to build the classpath to pass to a forked
java process, that puts project.getCompileSourceRoots() in that

In a project using that plugin, another mojo is bound to the
generate-sources phase and addCompileSourceRoot the folder containing
the generated files (nothing fancy).

The problem: when running "mvn gwt:run", the folder added at the
generate-sources phase is correctly added to the constructed
classpath, but when using "mvn gwt:run-codeserver" it only contains
What even stranger: the maven-compiler-plugin is invoked with both
folders in both cases.

Any idea why it behaves that way? Any hint where I could put
breakpoints to help debug this?
Could the "goal:war:exploded" added to the @execute annotation be the
reason the folder is added to the compile source roots?

If one wants to try it: "mvn archetype:generate
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.5.0-rc1"
then "mvn gwt:run" or "mvn gwt:run-codeserver"

Thanks in advance

Thomas Broyer

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