As far as I remember yes. And I *think* that 3.0.3 is affected, but I
could be wrong. Upgrade to 3.0.4 and try again.


On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Wang, Simon <> wrote:
> I'm using 3.0.3, is this bug related to performance?
> ~Simon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of Anders Hammar
> Sent: 2012年10月11日 14:26
> To: Maven Users List;
> Subject: Re: How to optimize maven dependencies to get better performance?
> I recall there was an issue with some Aether version and large dependency 
> trees. This had an impact on one (or maybe several) of the Maven 3.0.x 
> versions. But if you're using the latest (3.0.4) it has been fixed. Are you?
> /Anders
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Ron Wheeler <> 
> wrote:
>> On 11/10/2012 1:40 AM, Wang, Simon wrote:
>>> Hi, Barrie,
>>>    That's really helpful!
>>>    Even I have local cache, it also takes about 2 mins to resolve 
>>> dependencies.
>> What is it doing during this time. Run maven with a detailed log to
>> see each step.
>> You might want to break your project up into modules that are smaller
>> and have fewer dependencies in each one.
>>>    Also it seems maven still will talk with remote maven server even I have 
>>> local cache.
>> It will talk to your Nexus and you need to make sure that your POMs or
>> settings.xml do not refer to any other Maven Repo besides your Nexus.
>>>    Yes, maybe it's caused by unspecified version numbers for dependencies.
>> Specify your versions on all dependencies
>>>    I'll try maven-enforcer-plugin.
>> Not sure how this will help with performance.
>>>    We're using nexus now, haven't tried MRM, I'll host it and compare it to 
>>> nexus.
>> Nexus is an MRM.
>>>    And I saw aether(major in dependency resolving) will take longer time to 
>>> resolve conflict dependencies.
>>>    Is it also a point that need to be improved?
>>>    Do you know is there any maven plugin to identify conflict dependencies?
>> The Eclipse IDE will do this with the m2 Eclipse plug-in. We use STS
>> which is Eclipse fully loaded with everything that you need to use Maven.
>> This is not likely going to cause a big performance hit.
>>> Regards
>>> Simon
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Barrie Treloar []
>>> Sent: 2012年10月11日 11:48
>>> To: Maven Users List
>>> Subject: Re: How to optimize maven dependencies to get better performance?
>>> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Wang, Simon <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>    We're in trouble of terrible performance on resolve maven dependencies.
>>>> I did some search about it. Basically below ways should be helpful:
>>>> 1. optimize nexus server to improve response time.
>>>> 2. optimize maven dependencies.
>>>>   1) avoid duplicated dependencies
>>>>   2) avoid dependency conflict cases
>>>>   3)....
>>>> Any others suggestions?
>>> What specifically is your problem?
>>> I can only guess at what you mean.
>>> I'm assuming that when you run "mvn install" that maven is reaching out to 
>>> check for new dependencies which can be time consuming, especially with an 
>>> empty ~/.m2/repository local cache.
>>> After the first install this shouldn't be a problem.
>>> Firstly make sure that you do not define additional "repository" in either 
>>> your settings.xml or pom.xml.
>>> Every dependency will be checked against all repositories defined.
>>> So just by defining one extra repository will double the time it takes to 
>>> check dependencies.
>>> There is no logic in Maven to blacklist/whitelist what artifacts are 
>>> located where, this is one reason why you use a Repository Manager.
>>> You can see that if you declare repositories in your pom.xml and this is 
>>> published how it will affect everyone that includes your artifacts.
>>> Please don't do that.
>>> Secondly, make sure you lock down all version numbers of dependencies.
>>> It is bad practice to not specify these as it makes your build 
>>> non-reproducable.
>>> This could also be a reason why it is slow as Maven will need to check 
>>> periodically to see if new versions are available.
>>> You can use maven enforcer
>>> ( to ensure that you 
>>> have no unversioned artifacts.
>>> Thirdly, install a Maven Repository Manager (Nexus is one).
>>> This will act as a local proxy and make downloading times much faster.
>>> It also provides an aggregation point, so that there is only one repository 
>>> to check each artifact for and the Repository Manager will hide checking 
>>> the other repos MRMs also allow you to do whitelist/blacklist stuff to 
>>> improve performance.
>>> If you are in a corporate environment you really want an MRM installed.
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>> --
>> Ron Wheeler
>> President
>> Artifact Software Inc
>> email:
>> skype: ronaldmwheeler
>> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102
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