
> I have never seen any java application fail just because I run the 
> version 7 VM. Even really old code still runs.

A couple of Atlassian applications I work with in our department that 
didn't run (fine) with Java 7:

- JIRA <= 5.1.x (5.2 was released ~3 weeks ago)
- Bamboo <= 3.2.x (3.3 was released 11 october 2011)
- Confluence <= 4.1.x (4.2 was released 10 april 2012)

It took quite a long time for the manufacturer to implement the necessary 
changes to let their products work with Java 7. JIRA for example wouldn't 
even start correctly when using 1.7.* and instead threw lots of exceptions 
in its log, whereas for at least Confluence 4.1.x there were some 
workarounds to let it run with a JVM 7...

In our department we had a very old legacy application written by some 
colleagues back in the days of Java 1.2 when the first Swing UI came out. 
They told me they had lots of problems with former Swing UI bugs and 
programmed workarounds to get the application finally work with Java 1.4. 
These workarounds didn't work correct anymore with Java 5 (Swing bugs were 
fixed?), i.e. the application's UI had some nice "features" a.k.a bugs :-o

Unfortunately they weren't given the time to fix them (you know, the usual 
problems with sales that had other priorities...) so they had to stick 
with Java 1.4 until ~2.5 years ago (!), until the application finally died 
about one year ago. That's life...



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