
We have a set of scripts that we use to deploy artifacts to Central and
a number of other sites.

Essentially, a project is built using Maven. The scripts then copy the
artifacts out of the 'target' directories and then sign and deploy them
to Central and other sites (using gpg:sign-and-deploy-file). Some of the
sites aren't actually Maven repositories, so the files undergo some
further processing before being copied elsewhere.

This works fine when deploying to Central, because Sonatype are
obviously running a setup that works over HTTP. However, I want to
deploy to some repositories that are only available over SSH. All I get
is the following:

mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file \
  -DpomFile=xyz.pom          \
  -Dfile=xyz.jar             \
  -Durl=scpexe://...         \

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-cli) on project make-tools: Failed to deploy
artifacts/metadata: No connector available to access repository ...
(scpexe://.../) of type default using
the available factories WagonRepositoryConnectorFactory -> [Help 1]

Deployment does work if it occurs as part of the build (presumably
because there's an entry for the SSH wagon provider extension in the
pom, which is then loaded as part of the build).

Is there some nice way to handle this? I'd much rather give the ssh
wagon provider in my settings.xml, as in my opinion it's not really
anything whatsoever to do with the build or the project.


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