Something like that. Based on some rules, we actually bind it onto
different subpart of the version string.

2013/1/16 Jörg Schaible <>

> Hi Baptiste,
> Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Note: I know the standard approach to this subject: filtering a
> > .properties file and reading it.
> > But this does not work when you actually want to use the value inside an
> > annotation attribute (needs to be a real constant).
> >
> > We actually bind our EJB on specific JNDI URL by doing something like:
> >
> > @Stateless
> > @EJB(name = "java:global/someejb-${project.version}")
> > public class SomeEJB31 { ... }
> >
> > Does someone have an idea on how to solve this cleanly?
> >
> > We already have a running solution using a dark magical combination of
> > antrun/build-helper manipulations, but this gives us a complicated pom to
> > maintain and moreover M2E doesn't like it at all.
> What are you up to? Do you really want to address you EJBs with "java-
> gobal/someejb-2.3.12-SNAPSHOT"? Or is it more like "java-gobal/someejb-2.3"
> , i.e. a "major.minor" pattern?
> If it is the latter, you might simply use "sed" and a regular expression to
> update the files from command line every time you update a major/minor
> version and ensure with the verifier plugin, that no java file contains an
> @EJB line that does not contain current major.minor.
> - Jörg
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Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS -
Sauvez un arbre,
Mangez un castor !

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