Have you got commit for mojo? if not I will start a vote... you've been
knocking around long enough!

On 17 January 2013 10:28, Baptiste MATHUS <bmat...@batmat.net> wrote:

> 2013/1/17 Stephen Connolly <stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com>
> > src/main/java-template
> Yop, I think you're right, I was already considering writing a dedicated
> plugin.
> That's actually something a lot of people needs and the various solutions
> around the web always require something like 30+ lines of pom magic.
> Recommending people to use .properties file is good for other cases, but
> it's just impossible.
> So, I guess I should start a thread on mojo-dev about that.
> Thanks all.
> --
> Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS - http://batmat.net
> Sauvez un arbre,
> Mangez un castor !

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