Thanks Stephen.. That haelp me a lot!!!


On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Stephen Connolly <> wrote:

> Note that you don't need to add the comments (or even the exclusion) but
> these help you later on decipher the intent
> On 5 February 2013 13:05, Stephen Connolly
> <>wrote:
> > It is a version range.
> >
> > The [ and ] brackets indicate inclusive end-points, while ( and ) are
> > exclusive end points, so
> >
> > [2.3.19 means >=2.3.19
> > 2.4) means < 2.4
> >
> > However, due to how versions are compared, there can be strange versions
> > that creep into the range.
> >
> > My recommendation is to add an exclusion on that library to your pom and
> > add back in a specific version in order to ensure a reproducible build,
> e.g.
> >
> > if your <dependency> is currently:
> >
> >   <dependency>
> >     <groupId></groupId>
> >     <artifactId>manchu</artifactId>
> >     <version>1.3.4</version>
> >   </dependency>
> >
> > and the pom is the one containing the version
> > range, I would change *your* reference to:
> >
> >   <dependency>
> >     <groupId></groupId>
> >     <artifactId>manchu</artifactId>
> >     <version>1.3.4</version>
> >     <exclusions>
> >       <exclusion>
> >         <!-- excluding transitive version range to gain stable build -->
> >         <groupId>org.something.else</groupId>
> >         <artifactId>some-dep</artifactId>
> >       </exclusion>
> >     </exclusions>
> >   </dependency>
> >   <dependency>
> >     <!-- adding back transitive dependency from with
> > pinned version -->
> >     <groupId>org.something.else</groupId>
> >     <artifactId>some-dep</artifactId>
> >     <version>2.3.21</version>
> >   </dependency>
> >
> > Hope that helps
> >
> >
> > On 5 February 2013 12:57, Alberto Ivo <> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I saw this version in a lib I want to put in my project and did'nt
> >> understand what does that mean and didn't find in a maven tutorial..
> could
> >> anyone explain, please?
> >>
> >> <dependency>
> >>                                 ...
> >> <!-- Latest 2.3.x (not 2.4.x), at least 2.3.19 -->
> >> * <version>[2.3.19,2.4)</version>*
> >> </dependency>
> >>
> >
> >

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