Am 07.02.2013 11:32, schrieb Adrien Rivard:
  but by default they are going there. And you don't need to run an
"install", just refresh/build the project with eclipse.

Hm... testing with a parent project...

... nope. Running a Maven launch with a "package" goal doesn't add any
file to disk as far as I can tell.

Specifying the "install" goal puts it into .m2.
Okay, that finally falsifies my assumption that m2e is managing its own

IIRC "install" is necessary if you switch off Workspace Resolution.

Yes, but if you switch off workspace resolution, IMO you miss all the power
of m2e.

Just for one example: m2e allows me to debug Maven plugins from inside Eclipse, and that has been quite valuable for those plugins that come with too little documentation.

Of course it would be great to have WR back.

I'm having issues with Workspace Resolution. It seems that a jar update
(overwrite, really) done during the package phase isn't properly recognized
by m2e.

package(and the following phases) is not executed by m2e , except if you do
it manually (run as maven ...),in this case, you need at least to refresh
your workspace, but that should not be the way to work with m2e.

Yes, I've been suspecting so.
Unfortunately, the copying plugin spat "not bound to that lifecycle phase" errors at me when I tried to run it during the compile phase. I'm not sure whether that's overridable, I thought it should be but then found was already specified in an <execution>... bummer.

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